Time to learn about odd and even numbers!

And practise subitising too...

Odd and even numbers
by Natalie Keeler

These fun maths activities cover numbers 1 to 20, and your child can also use these sheets to practise subitising (recognising a number of objects without counting them).

Help your little one cut out the doors on these sheets, then stick them over the doorways on the next sheet so they open and close. The door number should match the number of animals behind it.

To find out whether a number is odd or even, ask children to count how many animals there are and look to see whether they're split equally across the two lines. If they are, it's an even number, and if they aren't, it's an odd number.

Giggly Maths Magazine

These activities are an extension of Giggly Maths Magazine, which is packed full of games and puzzles that follow the maths curriculum – including odds and evens, 3D shapes, numbers to 20, multiplication, and money maths. Available now on the Giggly shop!

Odd and even numbers activity

Let's get started with numbers 1 to 5! To download these pages, select the images below or click here to open a printable PDF.

Odd and even numbersOdd and even numbers


Next up, it's time to practise numbers 6 to 10. To print, simply select the images below or click here to open a PDF.

Odd and even numbersOdd and even numbers


Ready to move onto numbers 11 to 15? Just click here or select the images below to print a PDF.

Odd and even numbersOdd and even numbers


You're almost done! We've finally reached numbers 16 to 20. To download these pages, click here or select the images below to open a PDF.

Odd and even numbersOdd and even numbers